Importance Of Gender-Specific Care


Do you need women’s reproductive health care? You should opt for obstetricians and gynecologists. Obstetrics and gynecology are closely related disciplines; they care for women during pregnancy, delivery, and after birth. They also provide therapies and fertility treatment. On the other hand, gynecologists are physicians who specialize in treating female reproductive conditions. You should look for Suncoast women’s care experts who offer exceptional and comfortable care for women; their services include contraceptives, IUDs, Vaginal revitalization, hormone replacement therapy, and many more. This is why women’s reproductive health care is essential.

What Is An Obstetrician?

They are practitioners specializing in the area of medicine associated with pregnancy, childbirth, labor, and the postpartum period. Their duties include diagnosis and monitoring illness and diseases during pregnancy, providing medical support to pregnant women, and performing routine check-ups on female patients.

What Is A Gynecologist?

A gynecologist treats issues related to the uterus, fallopian tube and ovaries, and breasts. They are trained to care for women’s reproductive health from the time.

Common Procedures Done By OB/GYN

  • Colposcopy

It is a simple procedure to visually examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva using a colposcopy. Its primary goal is to prevent cervical cancer by detecting and treating precancerous cells early; it is a pain-free experience.

  • Loop electrical excision procedure (LEEP)

It is a procedure that uses a wire loop heated by an electric current. It is a treatment for an abnormal or cancerous condition; mild cramping and discomfort may be felt because numbing medicines are used, and many people don’t feel any pain.

  • Endometrial biopsy

It is an accurate way to diagnose uterine cancer and determine the causes of the problems leading to heavy and irregular bleeding. It involves taking a tissue sample of the uterine wall; the tissue sample undergoes evaluation that aids the physician in forming a diagnosis.

  • IUD insertion

An IUD birth control device is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy; it is inserted into the uterus. It is one form of long-acting reversible birth control.

  • Nexplanon

It is a birth control implant that goes in the arm. It releases hormones continually into the body that helps prevent pregnancy. It can last over three years or five years.

  • Dilation and curettage

It is a procedure used to remove abnormal tissue from inside your uterus. The cervix is dilated, and a spoon-like apparatus is used to scrape the uterine wall. The procedure should be painless, and recovery happens after two days.

  • Tubal ligation

It is a process of closing a woman’s fallopian tube preventing the sperm and the egg from meeting. It is a quick and safe surgical procedure that sterilizes the woman. It is a permanent birth control procedure.

  • Ovarian cystectomy

It is a surgery that helps remove large or persistent cysts in the ovary; it is a minimally invasive surgical technique that only uses a few incisions in the lower abdomen.

It is recommended that girls have their first OB/GYN visit in their early teenage years after their first period and before they become sexually active. The gynecologist’s visits help them learn about reproductive health and safe birth control options. Good luck finding the appropriate gender-specific reproductive care.

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