Precautions You Should Observe Before Getting A Spray Tan


A spray tan is a beauty treatment where your skin is sprayed with a chemical to attain a darker color or an artificial suntan. It is a safe, convenient and customized process that gives you a natural tan. You will achieve a sun-kissed summer glow throughout the year after a spray tan. Verona spray tans have a variety of benefits such as boosting your confidence, no ultra-violet exposure, achieving a natural glow, hydrating and nourishing your skin, and getting a shade of your choice. However, there are some precautions you should observe before you get a spray tan to achieve maximum results.

Do not self-tan.

You cannot do everything on your own. At times, you need an expert to give you a perfect result. Since you do not want to achieve a dull or unpleasant appearance, let your specialist do the whole process from the start to the end. Never use a tinted moisturizer and a self-tanner to achieve the look, as they can give you an uneven appearance and patches on your skin.

Avoid shaving or waxing.

It will help if you shave or wax twenty-four hours before a spray tan and two to three days after the process. Wax heat opens up your pores, and when the self-tanner gets in, you will have spots on your skin. Your skin requires time to recover from scrapes and razor cuts after shaving; hence you should do it a day before spray tanning. Always use a body washer or moisturizer soap to remove any residue.

You should not wear tight clothes.

It is best to wear loose clothes when heading for a body spray tan. It takes some time for the tanner to dry. Tight clothes can rub off the chemical before it dries. Loose garments will avoid the risk of rubbing the tan off.

Avoid getting tan in the booth and outdoors.

Natural tan makes the artificial tan look fake. You should not spend too much time in the sun before getting a spray tan as it burns your skin. Sun exposure can also give you a reddish or orange color. If you have sunburn skin peels, they will make your skin peel off and multicolored after a spray tan. Always have a spray tan indoors to achieve the best results.

Avoid aluminum-based deodorant.

Using deodorants with aluminum makes your underarms appear green during spray tanning, and it can reside for some days. If it is a must you wear deodorant, use one without aluminum. It would be best to avoid using one as sometimes it can be challenging to distinguish the one with aluminum.

Do not take a hot shower.

A hot shower will always make you feel relaxed and open skin pores. Please do not take a hot shower before a spray tan because it will give you uneven skin in the pores. You can also get brown dots on your skin lasting up to a whole week.

You can now get a spray tan considering which precautions to take. Are you wondering where you can get a perfect spray tan? Schedule an appointment at Montclair Rejuvenation Center to get a spray tan.

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