How Does Medical Weight Loss Function?


Medical obesity affects more than one in every three persons in the United States. A heavier weight can raise the risk of various health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression. Being overweight can lower one’s quality of life, and one research discovered that obesity could diminish one’s longevity by up to fourteen years. Recognizing how to lose weight can be difficult, but working with Dr. Sudha Challa on a medical weight loss strategy can be a great way to get started.

Weight loss and your body

Each person’s definition of a healthy weight is unique. It is critical to never measure your health merely by a number on a scale, but rather to achieve a healthy weight for your body type. Some individuals’ bodies may easily hold or lose water weight. In either case, you should see changes in your body within the first month or two after starting a weight loss program. Aim to drop 10% of your body weight at a rate of one to two pounds per week at first, then maintain that weight off for six months before continuing to reduce weight. You can also see your physician if you are overweight, as some body types may weigh more than others.

How weight loss happens

Weight loss happens when you ingest fewer calories per day than you burn. Conversely, weight gain occurs when you continually consume more calories than you burn. Any calorie-containing meal or beverage contributes to your overall calorie intake. The quantity of calories you burn each day, also known as energy or calorie expenditure, is trickier. Calorie expenditure is made up of the three primary components listed below.

  1.     Resting metabolic rate (RMR): The number of calories your body requires to maintain regular basic activities such as breathing and blood circulation.
  2.     Thermic effect of food (TEF): This refers to the calories expended in food digestion, absorption, and metabolization.
  3.     Thermic effect of activity (TEA): The calories you burn when exercising. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), which accounts for calories used in activities like yard work and fidgeting, is also incorporated in TEA.

You sustain your body weight if the amount of calories you ingest equals the number of calories you burn. To lose weight, you must generate a negative calorie balance by consuming fewer calories than you burn or increasing your activity level.

Losing weight might be intimidating at first. With so many weight reduction programs and fad diets making outrageous claims, it can be tough to determine the best option. By putting your confidence in a doctor’s education and skills and pursuing a medical weight reduction program, you can be certain that you are receiving professional, specialized treatment and a strategy suited to your specific requirements. Following a medical weight reduction program prescribed by your doctor will give you the best chance of losing weight and achieving the healthy lifestyle you seek.

Medical weight loss programs are an excellent strategy for attaining a healthy weight because they provide tailored assistance from a specialist. Call Lenox Medical Clinic to schedule a meeting today to start your medical weight loss plan.  

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