Busting the biggest myths about bandages


From small cuts to serious wounds, using a bandage to treat an injury is commonplace. Bandages seal the wound, closing the blood flow, often protecting the injury from further infection or hurt due to impact. Nevertheless, there are a number of myths and misconceptions associated with the use of bandages and these need to be busted. Here’s putting the top 5 to test:

#1 Wounds heal quicker when exposed to air

We’ve all heard the myth that wounds are found to heal better when left uncovered and exposed to air. However, if you ask the experts, wounds should be covered to stay clean, protected, and germ-free. This is why right after cleaning the wound with disinfectant; you must cover it with adhesive bandage.

#2 Better you care for the wound, smaller the scar will be

By ensuring that you give the wound best possible care with good quality, easy-to-breathe bandage, you simultaneously ensure that complications such as re-tearing of a wound, bacterial infections etc. don’t occur. All these factors together contribute to scarring and by avoiding them, you avoid being left with a large scar.

#3: All wounds must be bandaged on the first day

Many people feel that it’s best to cover the wound in the initial phase of the injury itself. This is supplemented with the idea of letting the wound breathe by removing the bandage as soon as possible. However, this is not the right way to go. As per experts, wound healing is much better when the wound is protected with a bandage right till the point when it has healed completely.

#4 Small wounds do not need to be treated

Contrary to popular belief, undermining the importance of a small appearing wound can have adverse consequences in the long run. Even a tiny paper cut can act as a gateway for bacteria into your body. Thus, no matter the size, you must treat all wounds with proper care, in order to avoid infections and ensure complete healing.

#5 Wounds cause itching when healing

We have all faced that itching, tingling sensation soon after a wound is covered with a bandage. As per experts, this itching may indeed be a sign of healing but not always. You must be extra careful to note that the wound area doesn’t become extremely red or cause out-of-control itching – something like a throbbing sensation. In this case, you must immediately consult the doctor to avoid contracting an infection.

With these myths put to test, it’s evident that covering an injury with a bandage – no matter the size – is a critical step in ensuring complete healing. One more thing you must not ignore is the kind of bandage you use. Especially if you’re shopping online for medical equipment, you must buy from trusted retailers such as Smart Medical Buyer, offering a wide range of reputable bandages and surgical tapes to choose from. The bandage must be breathable and should protect the wound from all kinds of external influencers such as dirt and bacteria.

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