Causes And Treatment Options For Sleep Disorders


Over one-third of American adults report that they usually only get less than seven hours of sleep in a day. For high school goers, over 70% of them sleep for less than eight hours at night during the week. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, not sleeping for more than seven hours impairs optimal health and general well-being. Therefore, seek out Sleep Services of Maryland LLC whenever you think you have sleep issues.

Causes of sleep disorders

Conditions or diseases that may lead to sleep disorders are:

Problems of allergies and respiratory systems

Infections of your respiratory system, allergic reactions, and colds can make it very difficult for normal breathing while you sleep at night.

Frequent urination at night

The condition is also called nocturia, which causes you to wake up in the middle of the night frequently.

Causes of the sleep disorder may include obstruction of the bladder, high intake of fluid close to bedtime, imbalance of hormones, aging, and pregnancy.

Constant body pain

Chronic pains may make you not have quality, sufficient sleep at night. The pain may lead to constant waking up at night.

The potential causes of this particular sleep disorder are arthritis, lower backache, inflammation of the digestive tract, fibrositis, and never-ending headaches.

Stress and anxiety

This mental and physical condition may lead to you not having a night of quality sleep in terms of either staying or falling asleep.

Unusual behaviors that can occur when you sleep, such as sleepwalking, may also negatively affect your sleeping duration. In addition, frequent nightmares, sleep paralysis and sleep texting may also not deliver a healthy sleep.

Treatment of sleep disorders

Generally, the type of treatment that a doctor will recommend for treating a sleep disorder depends on the type and cause of the condition. But, often, the treatment solution may involve a combination of changes in your lifestyle and medical treatments.

The medical treatments for sleep disorders may include sleeping pills, cold or allergy medications, medications for particular health problems, surgery, and a sleep device.

Changes in lifestyle

Adjust your lifestyle when you have a sleeping disorder and need quality sleep. The lifestyle changes should go hand in hand with medical treatments.

Some lifestyle changes you may need to adopt are:

  • Incorporation of a diet including more fish and vegetables
  • Reducing your consumption of sugary foods and drinks such as soda
  • Lowering your levels of stress and anxiety by routine exercising
  • Establishing and maintaining a proper sleeping routine
  • Drinking no beverages and water before you go to sleep
  • Limiting your intake of caffeine, mainly later in the evening and or afternoon
  • Eliminating or minimizing smoking, use of smokeless tobacco, and intake of alcohol
  • Eating a diet with low content of carbohydrates before you go to sleep
  • Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight range according to the advice of your doctor
  • Avoiding triggers of sleep disorders like the use of dairy products
  • Bright light therapy

Contact Sleep Services of Maryland LLC today to get relief from your sleep disorder and enjoy better sleep.

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