Wisdom Tooth Pain: Here Are Things You Can Try To Reduce The Pain


Wisdom teeth are called as such because they usually grow at a time of your life when you’re just navigating your existence and learning the realities of this world — between 16 to 25 years old to be more exact. By the time you reach this age bracket, you need to add one essential truth about your dental condition: Not all wisdom teeth (or third molars, the set of teeth that grow at the back portion of your mouth) erupt smoothly and naturally. In other cases, they grow at a different angle or worse, they won’t come out at all. This leads to a number of consequences like jaw pain from wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth that did not properly break through your gums need urgent resolution. When you feel jaw pain associated with swelling gums, frequent headache, teeth sensitivity, and bad breath, don’t hesitate to call your dentist or visit a dental clinic near you. Seeking for professional dental attention is a preventive measure that helps you avoid complicating your situation.

Before your scheduled appointment, you’ll most probably feel that urge to reduce the jaw pain from wisdom teeth in any way you can. Here are some remedies we’ve gathered:

Cold compress. If there is gum swelling, you can reduce it by applying ice packs to the affected area. Ice also has a numbing effect, relieving you from the pain caused by your impacted teeth.

Salt water rinse. Scientists have long found out and recognized the natural disinfecting ability of salt water. To minimize the infection, rinse using a solution of 8 tbsp water and 2 tbsp salt.

Onion. Though it may sound strange upon first listen, onion is actually an effective way of killing of germs — thanks to the phytochemicals it is endowed with. To use this remedy, cut off a slice of onion and chew it on the affected side of your mouth.

Cloves. Cloves both have anesthetic and antibacterial properties, making them a good tooth pain reliever. Simply apply clove oil on a cotton ball and place it atop of the tooth and gums that are in pain.

Over-the-counter medicine. If the pain fails to subside and your dentist appointment is still relatively far, you can resort to using a numbing gel or to taking pain relief medications.

Some Tidbits of Wisdom

With or without jaw pain from wisdom teeth, make it a habit to practice good oral hygiene. Regularly brush and floss your teeth, especially every after a meal to prevent food debris from getting stuck in your teeth and gums. You might also want to use mouthwash to reduce the presence of bacteria.

But when you’re already in pain, you’d need to restrict your diet to prevent what you experience from worsening. Avoid sugary food that can get inside your gums and encourage bacteria growth. You’d also need to avoid hard-to-chew foods to prevent your teeth from overexerting pressure. To make sure that your mouth is flushed, it also helps to drink plenty of warm water.

Are you experiencing jaw pain from wisdom teeth? Consult one of our oral surgeons at Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery today.

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