Everything You Need To Know Concerning Infertility Treatment


Couples having fertility problems keep moving from one facility to the next, seeking help because they are desperate to hold a kid of their own in their arms. Therefore, if you have been engaging in unprotected sex for six months and have not yet conceived and are interested in having a child New York, NY fertility specialists are the solution to all your fertility concerns. The health care specialists in the facility customize your treatment depending on your age, health, and family goals. They help you overcome failed IVF and recurrent miscarriages, among other medical concerns preventing you from conceiving. Below is all you should know concerning infertility treatment.

What is the first step in infertility treatment?

Generally, your infertility treatment commences with an initial appointment during which you and your partner undergo a comprehensive evaluation and examination to identify any fertility issues present. Therefore, your health care provider reviews your previous treatments and tests to help them create the best-individualized treatment. The diagnostic tests performed include baseline hormone tests, semen analysis to rule out male factor infertility, and hysterosalpingogram to help evaluate your uterus and fallopian tubes. Day 21 progesterone and day three hormone levels are also tested.

In case you have had two or more consecutive miscarriages, your health care provider offers a full workup to help determine any fertility issue you might have. After that, they offer various treatment options to treat any underlying conditions causing infertility. Some couples might choose to use donor sperm, especially if their partner’s semen could be the problem.

What does infertility treatment involve?

Various factors, including medical history, age, previous fertility treatments, and pregnancy history, determine your infertility treatment to be given. The treatment options available include:

  • Intrauterine insemination

Intrauterine insemination involves placing your partner’s sperm directly into your uterus for fertilization. Doing so bypasses issues that prevent fertilization or cervical mucus.

  • Ovulation induction

It involves the administration of medications such as clomiphene citrate and injectables like Follistim or Gonal to induce ovulation. The medications stimulate your ovaries to produce many viable ova. After that, you can conceive via intrauterine insemination or naturally.

  • Reproductive surgeries

Various surgical procedures, including hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, can be performed to correct concerns like fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, and polyps which interfere with your ability to conceive.

  • In vitro fertilization

It is a procedure involving introducing an embryo prepared in the lab into your uterus. Your health care places the embryo into your uterus for implantation. Most couples undergoing IVF usually prefer preimplantation genetic screening and diagnosis to evaluate the embryo’s health before its transfer. Embryoplasty may also be performed to help improve the integrity of the embryo before transfer.

  • Gestational carrier

A gestational carrier refers to a woman who carries the pregnancy instead of the couple. After delivery, the carrier returns the baby to the genetic parents.

  • Egg freezing and embryo freezing

It involves freezing the embryo and eggs for long-term storage and use in future fertility treatments.

Infertility affects couples psychologically and emotionally because all the couple thinks of is what they can do to conceive. Therefore, if you have been battling fertility issues and are interested in seeking medical help, you can start by booking your appointment at Nobel Fertility Center today. Various treatments will be offered to help you

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