Everything You Need To Know About Bunions
Did you know that the feet play a major role in supporting and giving balance to your body? The fact that they bear all our weight and support our every move, makes them susceptible to injuries and health conditions. Regular foot care is, therefore, necessary to enhance their proper functioning and lower health risks. Podiatrists and foot specialists offer extensive foot care, including bunions New York, to enhance healthy living. This piece gives more details on bunions; read to the end to understand more about foot care.
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What are bunions?
A bunion is a condition where your big toe protrudes from the side. The joint at the base of your big toe becomes bigger and projects outside. Usually, you may notice a bump forming at this point.
The bump may not have any harmful symptoms, but in some cases, it may become swollen, red, or sore, causing pain.
Bunions occur when the big toe grows inward towards the second toe. Usually, they develop over some time. It begins as a noticeable small bump with some discomfort, which you might ignore.
A bunion keeps on growing; that’s why ignoring it even when small might be a bad idea. Because after some time, the bump gets big and more painful, causing severe effects, including adding pressure on the second toe.
When not treated, bunions may cause severe chronic pain that leads to difficulty walking or wearing shoes. Bunions also put you at risk of other foot deformities, such as hammertoe and feet alignment issues.
What are the causes of bunions?
Bunions usually form from wearing tight shoes, which leaves no room for your toes to breathe. Women are more likely to suffer from bunions than men. It is due to their shoe styles, including high heels and stilettos. But, generally, tight and small shoes can lead to bunions.
Genetics also contribute to bunions; if your family has a history of bunions, you are likely to get them. Inherited foot structures such as flat feet also increase your chance of bunions. They may also result from foot injuries.
What are your treatment options for bunions?
Bunions treatments are successful when you seek early medical care. You should schedule your appointment with your doctor when you notice the bump formation. Bunions become worse when you continue to wear tight shoes.
Your provider designs your treatment for bunions with the idea of eliminating the pressure and pain from your big toe. It involves conservative approaches such as,
- Wearing fitting shoes with adequate room for your toes
- Wearing protective padding to prevent friction
- Orthotics, or shoe inserts to stabilize your joint and position your feet
Bunions form as a bump on the side of your big toe. It develops gradually to cause pain and discomfort. Besides recommending a change in your footwear, your provider may prescribe medications. Surgery may be appropriate for severe cases, where bunions have caused toes misalignment. Call Precision Footcare today to schedule your consultation.