What Are The Different Stages Of Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing (EMDR)?


When dealing with traumatic memories, many people turn to EMDR therapy to help them process and move on from the event. EMDR, which is short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a relatively new form of therapy that is very effective in treating trauma. If you are considering seeking EMDR therapy, there are a few things you should know, so you should talk to a Brooklyn EMDR specialist first. In this article, we look at the different stages of EMDR therapy.

1. History Gathering

The first stage of EMDR therapy is history gathering. During this stage, your therapist will ask you many questions about the event that caused the trauma. They will want to know when and where the event took place, what happened during the event, and how you reacted to it. This information is used to create a picture of the trauma in your mind.

2. Preparation

The next stage is preparation. In this stage, your therapist will help you develop a list of positive statements about yourself. Your therapist will use these statements during the EMDR therapy to help you counter any negative thoughts or beliefs you have about yourself due to the trauma. This stage aims to help you feel more confident and capable of dealing with the trauma.

3. Assessment

The assessment stage is where your therapist will assess whether or not you are ready for EMDR therapy. This assessment is based on the information gathered during the history gathering stage. If your therapist believes that you are ready, they will move on to the next step.

4. Desensitization

The desensitization stage is where the actual eye movement therapy takes place. You will be asked to focus on the traumatic event during this stage while your therapist moves a finger back and forth in front of your eyes. This movement is designed to help you process the trauma.

5. Installation

The installation stage is the final stage of EMDR therapy. In this stage, your therapist will help you install the positive statements you developed during the preparation stage. This is designed to help you keep the positive changes you have made due to EMDR therapy.

6. Closure

The closure stage comes at the end of every EMDR therapy session. In this stage, your therapist will help you consolidate the gains you have made during therapy and develop a plan for dealing with any future trauma. This stage is essential so that you can maintain the progress that you have made during EMDR therapy.

7. Reevaluation

The reevaluation stage is the final stage of EMDR therapy. In this stage, your therapist will assess the progress that you have made and decide whether or not you need any additional sessions. This stage is vital so that your therapist can ensure that you are making progress and so they can make sure that EMDR therapy is the proper treatment for you.

To summarize, the different stages of EMDR therapy are history gathering, preparation, assessment, desensitization, installation, closure, and reevaluation. If you are considering seeking EMDR therapy, talk to a Brooklyn EMDR specialist first. They can help you decide if this type of therapy is right for you and guide you through the different stages.

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