Changing the Shape of Your Nose through Rhinoplasty Procedure


Rhinoplasty is not just your ordinary nose job, it goes beyond to improve your breathing. If you have wanted to change the contour of your nose and make it much better in proportion with your face, then rhinoplasty is the right procedure for you.

Since rhinoplasty is a long-term decision, you have to be sure it is right for you. In case you have reservations or you simply want minor changes, you may try exploring non-surgical rhinoplasty. This procedure uses dermal fillers so as to smooth smaller bumps. For rhinoplasty which has longer lasting change, you should talk over with a board-certified surgeon.

Even before going the rhinoplasty way, it’s important you acknowledge that your nose just like everyone else’s, changes over time. In your discussion, you should cover how your new nose may adjust in future.

Rhinoplasty Processes

In most cases, for the rhinoplasty procedure to be undertaken, you will be put under general anesthesia. This method is preferred to allow the surgeon to protect your airway during surgery. That said, there are some other rhinoplasty providers who just use local anesthesia to numb the treated area only.

During the surgical process, your doctor will make small cuts so as to access the cartilage and bones around the nose area. Thereafter, he will remove or add bone and cartilage to alter the function and form of your nose where necessary. Cases differ from one to the other and the plastic surgeon may add a cartilage graft so as to remodel the tip of your nose and use fat grafts or fillers to add volume. The use of silicone implants is highly discouraged because they may create vulnerabilities to infection.

Open and Closed Rhinoplasty

If you visit, you will discover through the videos and articles posted on the site that rhinoplasty is broad and can be divided into two: closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty.

Closed rhinoplasty is a procedure where the incisions are done inside the nose. On the other hand, open rhinoplasty is where the surgeon makes incisions immediately underneath the nose in the thin strip of tissue which separates the nostrils.

Of the two techniques, a closed rhinoplasty is the most common and according to experts in the industry, closed rhinoplasties heal much faster than the open ones.

Your Expectations and Recovery Time

The results of rhinoplasty may not be immediate. In some cases, it takes several months or even up to a whole year for the swelling to get even. This is why a majority of rhinoplasty surgeons wait up to a year for them to do a revision rhinoplasty where necessary.

In terms of recovery, it takes both patience and time. Immediately following the surgery, you may experience some swelling and bruising while others feel some congestion therefore forced to breathe through their mouths. A week after the operation, you should expect your breathing and sleeping to come back to normal. Even after the operation, it is important to follow up appointments so that you don’t lose touch with your provider.

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